How practicing Non-Attachment changed my life!

mindset youtube Dec 05, 2020

When I launched Iridescence Academy Monthly Membership Program in September of this year, I was truly tested in my mastery of Non-Attachment. 

What exactly is Non-Attachment? Does it mean to not desire anything at all? Then what is the point of existing in this life if we cannot desire material things or relationships?

Have a listen at this short excerpt of 6mins which is taken from the very first Iridescence Academy Monthly Program - Theme Based Teaching episode.

You can watch the entire 6min excerpt on my YouTube channel here:

If you would like to watch the entire 1hour of this teaching session along with ThetaHealing Electromagnetic activations, please click on the Personal Mastery Mini Course link here to buy three hour videos on Non-Acceptance, Self Acceptance and Self Love. 

Do leave a comment if this video resonated for you <3


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Too many Fears??

mindset youtube Nov 24, 2020
Is there a constant "fear" that is dominating day to day life and don't know where it is coming from?
Whenever there is a decision to be made, it seems easy to procrastinate, for fear of making a wrong choice?
....Or the worry about what will others think if I make a mistake?
....What if I make a choice and I lose everything, become a failure?
....Or even worse, end up being all alone?
If the statements above resonate, know that I was there too!
In this YouTube video, I share with you the different types of fears I experienced and how I used a technique as a shortcut to address it. You can access the full video here:
While this technique helps in the short term, from a long term perspective the underlying symptom of the fear - which is our belief system.
We are what we believe!
You are welcome to try this technique and share how it worked for you. You are also welcome to...
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Launch of your Personal Mastery hub - New Website & YouTube Channel

youtube Nov 15, 2020
Last 5 years have been pivotal and transformational in my life. From having an externally picture perfect family life and corporate career as an Engineer and an MBA with well paying job, my life was many people's dream.
However there comes a time in your life, when you can no longer live a lie, no longer live your life to please others, no longer fake it till you make it, no longer live being worried about what will others say, then something changes. That change happens INSIDE you.
And you start to ask many questions about
  • why some relations are the way it is,
  • why is it no matter what you do - the patterns of issues stay the same and keeps repeating,
  • no matter how hard you try, others do not change.

Then you realize that that you are trying to remove the blemish from the mirror instead of focusing on your face where the blemish is. That the only person you have been given the power to change is YOU.

Once you commit to the path of your heart, then these...
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ThetaHealing Interview with Mahreen Agha (May 2020)


Interview on ThetaHealing with Mahreen Agha. 

Youtube link to the Interview:


Follow Mahreen on FB:

Womens Spiritual Development Club

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The times we live in - A Perspective (Interview in April 2020)

interviews Nov 03, 2020

Had the opportunity to share my perspective on the times we live in (April 2020 just as the pandemic hit and quarantine began worldwide). 

Youtube link to the interview:

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My very first Interview on ThetaHealing - DC Spotlight (Oct 2018)

interviews Nov 02, 2020

This was my very first interview of sharing about ThetaHealing(R) modality of energy work. 

Youtube link to the video:


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