Reprogram your mind using ElectroMagnetic Activations

technique Dec 20, 2020

Did you know that you and I are Electromagnetic? I demonstrate how so using a tool in this YouTube video.

I also explain the following in this video:

  • What makes us electro-magnetic,
  • What are the different brainwave states we can be as human beings
  • What are the benefits of Theta Brainwave state,
  • How ThetaHealing(R) differs from Neurolinguistics Programming (NLP) and
  • What exactly are Electromagnetic Activations aka ThetaHealing Activations or Downloads? 

Now you may say, Ajitha all this sounds like science mumbo-jumbo, why should I care?

Hear me out friend! All this comes down to you knowing that you now have a way to reprogram your subconscious mind in a powerful way. Use this knowledge to reprogram your beliefs and hence rid yourself of any fears that may be symptoms in your life.

Have a listen and reach out to me if you need clarifications. Will be happy to explain further, as this one knowledge changed my perspective on how to take control of my own life!


Much love & gratitude



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